RUMOR: Edgar Ramirez Being Looked At For 'Superman: Man of Steel' Villain?
LatinoReview suggests that Edgar Ramirez is possibly up for the role of the villain in Zack Snyder's upcoming movie 'Superman: Man of Steel'...
days ago got official word from Snyder himself that Viggo Mortenson was no longer in the running for the role of the villain in his new 'Superman' flick. Now according to the folks over at LatinoReview, it's looking like Edgar Ramirez might be up for the role.
Ramirez is most known for his appearances in 'The Bourne Ultimatum' and 'Domino'.
"From what I’m told, I’m hearing that Edgar Ramirez who by the way killed it in the 5 hour CARLOS miniseries (can’t wait for the Criterion blu ray) is supposedly being eyed for a villain role in Zack Snyder’s Superman film.Now at press time, I don’t know if it’s for General Zod or another villain role. The secrecy surrounding this project is that tight. I also don’t personally know if Edgar auditioned, or his name is simply being tossed around, or the producers have gotten into it with Edgar’s reps.
I feel though that Edgar being in Superman is within the realm of possibility because after all, he is already working for Warner Brothers and playing Ares, Zeus’ godly son and one of the bad guys in WRATH OF THE TITANS, the CLASH OF THE TITANS sequel which started production this week"
So file this one under the 'rumor' section until we get some official confirmation, but at this point who knows.
Let the speculation begin!! hope its anyone but ZOD! thanx to latinoreview for the heads up!
'Superman: Man of Steel' stars Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman, Kevin Costner as Johnathan Kent, and Diane Lane as Martha Kent. The film is currently set for a December 2012 release.
please let it be brainiac or metallo!