ByAndrew Francisco. Green lantern is a Prime example that you shouldnt always listen to Critics because Most times they have no idea what theyre talking about! This movie was Fantastic the ANTI darkKnight if you will, and thank God for that! not a big Nolan Fan whatsoever save for heath Ledger & Aaron eckhardt i found Nolans batfilms to have what i call the 3P's that is POSTURING PONDEROUS & PRETENTIOUS if i want a psychology class ill take psych 101 thank you i dont need it from my favorite superheroes. thats not to say that i dont appreciate depth in superhero movies but i dont want it constantly shoved in my face like the Dark knight laughably does. but Back to Green Lantern this is Everything a Green Lantern Origin Movie Should Have been! WB execs Should Not be Ashamed at all the movie set up the Green lanterm Universe Perfectly! Ryan reynolds does a Stand Up Job as daredevil Fighter Pilot Hal Jordan, he does not Go into Total wisecrack mode and was extremely believable as my favorite Intergalactic Space Cop. Blake Lively deserves kudos as well i thought she would phone it in but i was actually EXTREMLEY IMPRESSED BY BLAKE! I Cared for her as Carol Ferris and she was very believable in the role. something i couldnt say for Maggie gyllenhall or Katie Holmes in nolans batmovies. I loved every minute of Gl and especially the scenes on OA and the scenes where Kilowog(Micheal Clark Duncan) and Mark Strong in a strong Performance as Hals Future enemy Sinestro, are teaching Hal the ropes. Peter Sgarsgard may have been a bit over the Top as Hector hammond but it was appropo to the character! how could u Not be over the top, when in the comics hector hammond has a Huge HUMUNGOID Head like that!? in the comics his head is even bigger! so there was no other way to play it! he did a great job all things considered. and then there is Parallax who i thought was Awesome! Parallax is the Soul Sucking former Gaurdian turned dark side who was defeated and trapped by Abin Sur played well by(Temeura morrisson). i really liked the way parallax was presented, kudos to wb and the director for not doing a Fantastic 4 or smallville deal and not giving us some lame Cloud galactus or cloud darksied deal! it was cool to see parallax as a real presence in this film! i love the scope of the movie and the Planet oa that was Something that Was EPIC to me not anything in nolans batfilms! this is the kind of action Superman returns or Any modern SuperMan movie should have! and im really Looking forward to Future Green lantern Sequels and Hopefully seeing Reynolds in the JLA movie! all in all a great Time to have at the movies and a fun ride i give it a 9! Definitley check out Green lantern!
Definitley an awesome ride!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the OP, and this does kick ass over the Dark Knight! 3 Ps, exactly!
ReplyDeleteOkay, first off.... you really need to learn how to write better. You have random capital letters on words that are neither beginning sentences nor are proper nouns.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I'm sorry but TDK had emotional depth, subtext, character arcs and theme. GL had some flashy effects and a tired retread of The Heroes Journey. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, you seem to want a movie to play to the lowest common denominator instead of striving to be more than shallow popcorn faire.
Really, I couldn't disagree with you more
sorry green lantern if you like the dark knight then u just have really bad taste there was no emotional depth to tdk just prententiousness. and your an idiot if you think anything besides ledger and eckhart was good in that movie.lol
ReplyDeleteGreen Lantern was pretty good, its definitely underrated. Critics are wrong on this