thanks to ign heres an excerpt of Amy Adams on her first encounter with the Man of steel on smallville!! Q: You did an episode of Smallville?
ADAMS: Yes, I did.
(She laughs.) Did you see the episode? Oh my! (She covers her face with her hands in embarrassment.)
I play a... (she laughs) I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Anyway, yes, there was Smallville. As an actress people always tease me like: if there's anything you can do to make yourself unattractive you will do it. You'll read it in the script and then you'll like find out in the middle that she has a limp, and you'll be like, "Oh my God! This is this is the best role I've ever seen!" And you have a prosthetic nose coming out the side of your face. And I would be like: I want to be interested in that role because I feel like things are so focused on beauty. Anybody can be beautiful.
AMY ADAMS IS A DAMN SEXY LOIS!lol so cool to know she was on Smallville